

Yee Tung Group commitment letter

Yee Tung Group Commitment on Fair Compensation

Yee Tung COC (Eng) 

Yee Tung COC (Cht)

Factory List (Yee Tung)


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a very important part of the organization. Our corporate CSR team leads CSR officers at each of our manufacturing site, to work on achieving our true belief of social responsibility. Our goal is not only to meet the customers' requirement, we see this has a life time commitment to continue improving ourselves to become a world class organization that we can be proud of. 

We participate the following worldwide recognized CSR programs:


Better Work Program


Our Jordan, Vietnam, and Cambodia factory have joined the Program.  


Vietnam – Langham

Langham participated the BWV Safety Run since 2011, and our employee had won the Champion in this program in 2011.  


Cambodia – E Garment

EG has joined “One- change campaign” in 2012.  




Our Dongguan factories – Elite, QK and Cambodia factory- EG are becoming BSCI-certified, we shall continue to implement the BSCI Code of Conduct as part of our business relations with buyers, and to improve the working conditions in the supply chain.



Elite factory and Ningbo factory has been assessed and certified ISO 9001:2008, 



Yee Tung has been a Sedex member since Feb, 2009.  Sedex is the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, is a membership organization for businesses committed to continuous improvement of the ethical performance of their supply chains. 



Our Vietnam,  Dongguan,  Cambodia and Jordan factory are WRAP-certified, we will continue to adopt the WRAP principles



Our Cambodia factory is C100 certified in 2012, an energy saving program initiated by Marks & Spencer.

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